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    Buss N°1 Red Platinum Vodka 0.7L 37.5%

    Buss N°1 Red Platinum Vodka, is a quality, 100% pure vodka combined with Chinese cinnamon, which comes from the Belgian spirits company, Buss. Vodka is presented with a live logo, as part of the "Tattoo Collection" of the company. It is said that Buss N ° 1 Red Platinum Vodka is a drink to strengthen our voice against the dark forces that want to "throw" us.
    SKU: 06ΒΟΤΜΠΟ002
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    Buss N°1 Red Platinum Vodka is made from high quality pure wheat grains, producing a clear, transparent and expensive vodka. Buss N°1 Red Platinum Vodka offers notes of pure alcohol, Chinese cinnamon, spices, almonds, cereal sweetness and very light vanilla. It is recommended to consume it with any kind of soft drink you wish as it matches everything!
